Crowns and Bridges Ackerman & Towson Dentistry dentist in Brentwood CA Dr. Kevin Ackerman Dr. Eric Towson A Good Alternative to False Teeth or Dentures

Losing teeth from injury, disease, or extraction is more common than one would think. Crowns and bridges can be an excellent fit for dental or cosmetic concerns. When it comes to replacing multiple teeth, dentures are always an option. Although they are very efficient, we encourage our patients to learn more about dental bridges and crowns as alternatives to complete dentures. 


What is the Difference Between Crowns and Bridges?

Crowns and bridges are both prosthetic appliances used to replace or restore teeth. Both are excellent options, but each provides different benefits for different situations. 

  • Bridge: Like a bridge over a valley, a dental bridge spans the gap from a missing tooth. A dental bridge caps both “ends” of the hole and connects the two teeth on either side. Another prosthetic tooth covers the middle or bridge section over the gap.  Bridging depends on the strength of those support teeth on either side. Anchor or support teeth may need to be re-shaped to fit the cap. Your dentist can use a bridge for single or multiple missing teeth replacement.
  • Crown: A crown is typically a prosthetic used primarily to cover and strengthen a single damaged tooth. The tooth may need strengthening due to a large cavity, cracks/breaks, broken/loose fillings, or other injuries.  Crowns are typically referred to as tooth caps because they are placed on top of a previously existing, natural tooth or dental implant. Crowns can be made of different materials, but they are usually tooth-colored and blend in perfectly with the shade of your smile. Using a crown to restore your tooth’s anatomy, will you use the tooth properly and help prevent it from experiencing any further damage.


A More Permanent Alternative to Dentures

Dentures can be removed, while bridges and crowns are designed to stay in place. Bridges and crowns are a permanent, durable, and reliable solution. Fit to match your smile. They look and feel great. They’re typically indistinguishable from your natural teeth. 


What is the Process for Crowns and Bridges?

Dr. Ackerman and Dr. Towson are experts at placing bridges and crowns. Each crown and bridge are designed to enhance your smile. 

 Treatment usually only requires a few appointments. We will take a mold of your existing teeth at the first appointment. From this mold, we’ll sculpt the prosthetics for a perfect fit. Once created, the device will be fitted and cemented into place at your second appointment. 


Caring for Your Crowns and Bridges

Care for your bridges and crowns the same way you care for your natural teeth—brush and floss at least three times per day as usual. You won’t be able to floss between the bridge teeth because there won’t be an actual gap between those teeth though it will look like there is. But don’t worry, flossing is not needed there. 

Bridges and crowns can come loose. Take extra care while eating hard or sticky foods. Fortunately, your dentist can replace them. If your crown or bridge suddenly becomes loose and falls off, we offer re-cementation here in our office. 

Just let us know as soon as possible if you have a problem with your bridges or crowns. We’ll get you back into the office and fix the problem quickly. We’ll bring back your smile, good as new. 


The Best Crown and Bridge Care in Brentwood

Our patients love us because we love our patients, and it shows. It shows in our quality, comfortable, and affordable dental care. It shows in your smile. 

We look forward to providing you with exceptional service and solutions. We specialize in crowns and bridges at Ackerman Towson Family Dentistry in Brentwood. Call today for your consultation. We’ll help you bridge the gap between tooth problems and a happy, healthy, beautiful smile.